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Mullins Farrier Podcast

Welcome to the Mullins Farrier Podcast where I will sit down and converse with the superstars, the overachievers, the masters of our craft. Each episode will be a deep dive into the personal philosophies, their habits, the tools they use and the secrets to, not only their success but overcoming failure as well. This podcast is for all of you out there who share my passion for the job and the desire to always improve. These interviews will put you in touch with the inner workings of the role models that we all want to emulate. Let’s get to it….

Apr 24, 2023

So this following interview was done during my time at convention this year. I was visiting with Cody Gregory in the trade show hall as everyone was getting their booth set up, and he introduced me to Conrad.

Conrad was getting his Grand Circuit booth set up, and although he was in for a few busy days there at the convention, he agreed to sit down and do an interview. The next day after doing our interview, I ran into Conrad again, and who else was there, but another legend and former guest, Nigel Fennel. They were discussing the modifications that Conrad had already made to Grand Circuit's product to make the shoes more farrier-friendly and usable in our day-to-day work, which you will hear later in the interview was part of Conrad's mission when he took over the company. It was kind of a surreal moment for me to stand there while these two legends of the industry discuss shoe shape and potential changes that Conrad could make even further to the product line.

I learned a lot just standing there and observing that conversation. I wish I had had my mic on me. Anyway, as you will hear, Conrad is a very glass-half-full kind of guy, and his enthusiasm I found quite infectious. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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