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Mullins Farrier Podcast

Welcome to the Mullins Farrier Podcast where I will sit down and converse with the superstars, the overachievers, the masters of our craft. Each episode will be a deep dive into the personal philosophies, their habits, the tools they use and the secrets to, not only their success but overcoming failure as well. This podcast is for all of you out there who share my passion for the job and the desire to always improve. These interviews will put you in touch with the inner workings of the role models that we all want to emulate. Let’s get to it….

May 17, 2021

My guest today joins us all the way from Cape Town, South Africa. Robbie Miller AWCF ASF is an accomplished racehorse shoer, competitor, and promoter of the farrier profession in South Africa. He accomplishes this through his joint effort with Robbie Dawson, to set up the South African Association of Professional Farriers, the SAAPF and as an official tester for the Farriers International Testing system FITS. Robbie is a good friend of my mentor and friend, Chris Gregory but you will notice that Robbie becomes good friends with almost everyone he meets.

Robbie joined me from his back garden so there is some wind noise that I hope doesn't get too distracting. I quite enjoyed our time together and I hope we can meet in person someday. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did!